Worship at Magnolia Presbyterian Church
Worship is central to the life of Magnolia Presbyterian Church. Each Sunday we come together as a community to worship and glorify God. Our services tend to follow the rhythm of the liturgical year (click here to learn more). The reading and preaching of God’s Word is central. The sermons are biblically based, challenging, and relevant to the practice of the Christian faith in our daily lives. Music has a special place in our worship services, helping to open the doors of our souls and draw us closer to God. We share joys and concerns, including them in our weekly prayers. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated the first Sunday of each month. A “Time for Children” is offered during most worship services. Childcare is provided for infants and preschoolers during all worship services, located in the Christian Education Building. In addition, our worship life is enhanced by special seasonal worship services, including Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, and Maundy Thursday.
Post Pandemic, we offer one blended worship service at 10 am
Post Pandemic, we offer one blended worship service at 10 am
10am Blended Service
The 10:00am service unites the congregation by offering a single, united worship service that blends elements of both our Contemporary and Traditional Worship Services, including our church choir. This service allows attenders of the 9am and 11am worship service to interact and worship together periodically.
Pre-Pandemic and in the future, we will return to our two service model:
9am Contemporary Worship Service
The 9:00am service is a relaxed, informal worship service held in our worship center. Music of this service features contemporary praise music led by a praise band.
11am Traditional Worship Service
The 11:00am service is a traditional service is held in the sanctuary featuring our choir. While most of the music is drawn from the classical traditions, we celebrate using a diversity of hymns, responses and anthems.
Our Sunday services are structured with an underlying four-fold pattern worship that allows us to draw closer to the transforming presence of God and to serve with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love. During worship we:
- We Gather – in preparation, welcoming all into the community of Christ; offer our confessions both corporately and individually; receive assurance of pardon; and pass the peace.
- To Hear God’s Word – through meaningful prayer, scripture readings (usually from the Common English Bible), and sermon messages we hear God’s Word and grow in the Spirit and in understanding.
- To Respond with Thanksgiving – We respond with energy, intelligence, imagination and love as we provide our offering, sing songs of praise, offer prayers of joy and concern, and share in the sacraments of baptism and communion.
- To Be Sent with Blessing – We are given a blessing and charge as we leave each worship service, including the charge of living Christ’s love for the world. Refreshments and fellowship take place in the fireside room (next to the worship center)
Just as Jesus welcomed the little children, so do we! We believe that children learn how to worship by being in worship so we welcome them just as God made them with their wiggles, giggles and loud whispers. We offer a time for children in our worship services, where children are invited to hear a specially prepared message for them, after which many children attend Sunday School. If you prefer to have your child cared for while you worship, we have a staffed nursery available for infants through pre-schoolers.