Welcome. We are glad you are here.
DIRECTIONS/PARKINGFrom the 91 freeway, exit Madison Ave, head North, turn Right onto Magnolia Ave, enter parkway on right and first entrance into the parking lot. After parking, signs will direct you to our worship space. |
CHILDRENChildren are always welcome in worship. After the first 15 minutes of worship, pre-school and elementary aged children are invited for a Children's Sermon, then are released to Sunday School activities. |
WORSHIP SERVICEOur worship services are about an hour in length and include music, readings from scripture, and a sermon. We have no dress code; come as you are. Please feel free to stay afterwards, enjoy a coffee/snack, and meet others. |
Childcare for newborn to pre-Kindergarten children is available during both the 9am and 11am worship services (and also when we have a single Unity Service). Our Nursery is staffed by Mrs. Allison Robinson, who once occupied the nursery as a child. The nursery is located in the CE building (room #9/Nursery), behind our Worship Center.